Is my personal information protected with your company?
Any personal information that you provide to any of our businesses are privacy protected. Your information will never be shared or sold to anyone!
How do I order my solos?
If you are a new solo ad customer, sign up to Ezines at YBC. Then, once you have confirmed your account, on the left-hand side is a link to Buy Solo ads. Choose what you need from the dropdown menu. Then enter your preferred payment method.
How often are my ads going to be published?
Your solo ads are published once they are approved. If you ordered package 3 or 4 to publish your ads, your solo ads are published twice a week. When the solo ads are published in the ezine they are also in the Ezine archive permanently.
How do I order Ezine Ads?
Log in to your account and on the left-hand side, go to the Purchase Ezine ads link. Choose your plan from the dropdown menu. Then, choose your preferred payment method.
What is a Top Sponsor Ad?
A top Sponsor ad is an ad that is placed at the top of an ezine issue. You will be able to use a banner along with text to promote your offers. Banner size allowed is 200x200. Be sure to add a tracking link for the destination URL. This will allow you to track the performance of your Top Sponsor Ads.
Can I submit an image with my Ads? Yes. When you submit your Solo ad, Top Sponsor ads, or classified you can submit a 125x125 or a 200x200 image. Please make sure the URL works. I Ezines at YBC Will check each Banner ad image. You can leave the URL In the signature of your ads. Each ad will be formatted to be published in all Ezines including Ezines at YBC.
What is a classified ad in an Ezine?
A classified ad is a short snippet of information that is placed at the end of an Ezine Issue. You will be able to use a banner in your classified ad. Allowed banner size is 120x120. Be sure to add a tracking link as the destination URL. This is recommended to track the performance of your Classified ads.
Where are Ezine ads published?
They are published in any Ezine you choose. The ezines are:
YBC Updates Ezine
Blogs at YBC
YBC Adboard Ezine
Traffic Bean
YB Café Ads Ezine
These ezines are the latest Blog posts, marketing tips and other resources.
Can I submit a tracking link with my ads?
Yes. I would recommend that you use a tracking link. It is always good to track the performance of your ads.
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